

Page history last edited by danhausel 12 years, 10 months ago




Kata is the heart and soul of karate-do. Kata may have been created after the invasion of Okinawa by the Satsuma Samurai. These samurai restricted practice of martial arts on Okinawa. As a result, the martial art was disguised in a series of "shadow boxing" techniques, or forms, designed to look similar to traditional dance.


One of the unique characteristics of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate and Kobudo is that emphasis is placed on kata as well as on self-defense applications (bunkai) in kata. Every move in every Seiyo kata (we have >70) has bunkai. Few other systems emphasize kata and pragmatic bunkai for each kata. Soke Hausel (as many martial artists before him) found that kata provide a wonderful mechanism for training - kata is even more valuable when the student understands all of its applications.


Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai is Soke Hausel's art. Only Soke can modify kata of this system.


The SeiyoShorin-Ryu system includes the following kata (*Indigenous only to Seiyo Shorin-Ryu):




We have 4 basic Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Taikyoku kata. Taikyoku Shodan and Nidan are fairly universal with many Shorin-Ryu systems. However, Taikyoku Sandan and Yodan were created by Soke Hausel to help the student achieve mastery in many basic techniques that are often overlooked in many other systems. These two kata emphasize development of ‘gyaku tsuki’ (opposite hand punch), focus, basic kicks, basic blocks and punches.

Kihon (Taikyoku) Shodan

Kihon (Taikyoku) Nidan

Kihon (Taikyoku) Sandan*

Kihon (Taikyoku) Yodan*


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As Grandmaster of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate KobudoKai, Soke Hausel developed many techniques & concepts that are unique. Kata are an important contributor and are used to enhance certain concepts in training. Most Okinawan kata favor oi-tsuki (step punch, i.e., right punch in right stance). However, the most important technique in karate for self-defense is gyaku tsuki (opposite hand punch, i.e., right stance with left punch). Thus our system, favors gyaku tsuki.



Pinan, also referred to as the Ping-an and Heian kata, translates as ‘peaceful mind’. According to Emil Fakas and John Corcoran (1983) ‘The Overlook Martial Arts Dictionary’, New York), the Pinan were developed by Yasutsune Itosu in 1903 to 1906 and incorporated into the public school system in Okinawa Perfecture. These were originally derived and simplified from the Chiang Nan Chinese kata by Itosu and renamed Pinan (Mark Bishop, 1989, Okinawan Karate, A & C Black, publisher, London). Still referred to as Heian kata in mainland Japan, particularly in the Shotokan system.


We have also preserved the basic five Pinan kata, but with modifications unique to Seiyo Shorin-Ryu. Each kata has been modified to incorporate realistic bunkai (applications). In addition to learning the basic Pinan kata, the Seiyo Shorin-Ryu student must also learn a set of numbered bunkai with each technique in the kata. The applications include a variety of defenses against unarmed and armed assailants and a variety of street fighters and incorporates strikes, kicks, pressure points, throws and restraints. In addition, the kata become teaching tools to help the student visualize the bunkai to make them more applicable in pragmatic day-to-day self-defense.


Pinan Shodan

Pinan Nidan

Pinan Sandan

Pinan Yodan

Pinan Godan


Demonstration of Bunkai from Pinan Nidan



Group 1 - Naihanchi (Tekki) kata

These are a series of kata, sometimes referred to as the ‘horse riding’ kata as they are performed with a linear pattern from kiba dachi (horse-riding stance) and have been referred to as the Tekki kata by some Japanese groups. The philosophy of these kata is that the karate-ka is defending against attackers with his/her back against a wall, or from a horse, or standing on a dike in a rice paddy.

Naihanchi Shodan

Naihanchi Nidan

Naihanchi Sandan


Group 2 - Passai (Bassai) kata

Also referred to as the Bassai kata. These translate as ‘to penetrate a fortress’ and include many powerful blocks and strikes.

Passai Dai

Passai Sho


Group 3 - Shorei Kata

Jutte - Sometimes referred to as the ‘ten hands’kata. A kata formulated in the Shorei-Ryu Okinawa style

Jion - This form is believed to have been named after the famous Jion-ji Buddhist temple’. A kata formulated in the Shorei-Ryu Okinawa style.



Group 4 - Kusanku Kata

Two kata named after a famous Chinese martial artist and practiced in the Shorin-Ryu and Shotokan systems.

Kusanku (Kanku) Dai - ‘Looking at the sky’

Kusanku (Kanku) Sho


Group 5 Kata

Nijushiho ’24-step form’

Unsu ‘cloud hands form’

Chinte ‘Chinese hand form’



Group 6 Kata

Chinto (Gankaku) ‘crane on a rock form’. This kata was originally known as Chinto kata and was introduced in Japan by Funakoshi, Sensei as Gankaku. Also referred to as Rohai kata

Wansu (Empi) - ‘flying swallow form’, originally named Wansu or Wanshu after the kata’s founder.

Sochin - ‘form based on a powerful rooted stance’

Seisan (Hangetsu) - ‘half moon’. An abundance of hangetsu dachi stances in this kata provide it with the feeling of moving in an arc, or half-moon. The hangetsu dachi stance in Seiyo Shorin-Ryu requires the student to stand pigeon-toed with the knees bent inward to protect the groin area from kicks. The form is originally from the Shorei-Ryu school and later adapted to the Shotokan system. Also referred to as the Seisan kata, the name of the originator of the kata.


Group 7 Kata

Wankan Dai ‘from the tomari-te school of karate’. The Seiyo Shorin-Ryu kata is dramatically different from other styles that use this kata*

Okan (Wankan Sho) kata

Gojushiho Dai ’54 steps form’. Kata from the Shuri-te school. Some moves in the kata mimic movements of a phoenix.

Gojushiho Sho


Group 8 Kata

Ananku. A kata using many basic techniques taught primarily in the Matsubayashi-Ryu style of Shorin-Ryu and in Seiyo Shorin-Ryu.

Rohai ‘crane on a rock form’ referred to as Gankaku kata in some systems.

Hakutsuru Sho ‘white crane forms’

Hakutsuru Dai



Kobudo, the art of ancient weapons is a very important part of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu karate and includes a wide variety of tools, both ancient as well modern weapons.


BO KATA (6’ staff)

The Seiyo Shorin-Ryu staff kata are derived from the Yamani-Ryu, Ryukyu-Ryu and others. Our kata include the following

Kihan Bo Kata

Sho no Kun

Sho Ken no Kun

Suuji No Kun

Choun no Kun

Choun no Kun Sho

Bojutsu Shodan

Bojutsu Nidan

Bojutsu Sandan


Dream Bo Kata*




We celebrate this weapon with practice in 6 kata. Nunchaku Yondan, in particular, is indigenous to the Seiyo Shorin-Ryu system and was created by Soke Hausel to include a number of basic and advanced techniques not seen in any other kata.

Nunchaku Shodan

Nunchaku Nidan

Nunchaku Sandan

Nunchaku Yodan*

Nunchaku Godan

Nicho Nunchaku (Nunchuku Rokudan)


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Sai Shodan

Sai Nidan

Sai Sandan

Sai Yodan

Sai Godan

Sai Rokudan

Sai Nanadan



Tonfa Shodan

Tonfa Nidan

Tonfa Sandan



Gama Shodan

Gama Nidan

Gama Sandan*



Seiyo Shorin-Ryu incorporates some of the traditional Samurai arts for advanced studies. These include Naginatajutsu, Yarijutsu, Bojutsu, Hanbojutsu, Tsunejutsu, Manrikigusarijutsu, Iado, Jujutsu and others.


One of the many important philosophies Soke Hausel learned from his Sensei over the past two decades was to train in a variety of martial arts. In keeping with this spirit, Soke Hausel incorporated many techniques and martial arts from Dai-Soke R. Sacharnoski including naginata, yari, katana and more. According to Soke Hausel, Dai-Soke R. Sacharnoski is a living legend whose abilities transcends many martial arts and who has mastered many.


In this spirit, several other weapons have been incorporated into Seiyo Shorin-Ryu including marikigusari (chain or rope), tsune (cane), hanbo, tanbo, kioga, kusari (chain-kama), eku (oar), teko (knuckle duster), surushin (weighted chain) and others.



Naginata Sho*

Naginata Dai











Kumade Kata



We offer several katana kata including blade taking forms:







Nuki uchi





Munae Utsu


Hiza mizuki

Mizu Garuma


Yoshin Shodan







Soke Hausel enjoys visiting tool shops and gardening centers in search for modern kobudo weaponry. Rakes, expandable rakes, shovels, dandelion diggers and more have been incorporated into the Seiyo Shorin-Ryu style.

Bunkai - the practice of Martial Arts Applications.

Bunkai is the heart and soul of Seiyo Shorin-Ryu Karate & Kobudo.

Shihan Todd Stonehouse demonstrates Ude Garuma Nage

Bunkai from Pinan Nidan Kata on Sensei Glenn Polk



Pinan Nidan Bunkai (Soke demonstrates with Sensei Kyle Lynton).




The above 3 photos are part of a bunkai from Pinan Nidan.

Bottome photo - Shihan-Dai Kevin Vance demonstrates with Sensei Jeff Schroeder.




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