Thru the years
Soke Hausel began his martial arts career at the Black Eagle Federation Kyokushinkai Dojo in Salt Lake City in 1964 as a result of his teenage years of wearing long hair and playing lead guitar in a rock n' roll band. Long hair was not looked upon favorably in 1964 - so he and others of the band took up for self-defense. The intensity of training was difficult and included hundreds of punches, kicks, blocks, squats, push-ups, full contact kumite (no protection other than a cup & all body parts were legitimate targets) and other unusual types of training such as jogging on the glass-covered asphalt. The instructors were like drill sargents with a bad tempers, but it made for an excellent foundation for karate. Later, Soke Hausel trained in Wado-Ryu at the University of Utah, trained in Judo and Shotokan Karate and through time, converted to Shorin-Ryu Karate and Kobudo as a member of Juko Kai International. Although Soke Hausel had many outstanding teachers (sensei), the one person he attributes to his excelling in martial arts and karate is Dai-Soke R. Sacharnoski. Since 1998, he has been inducted into 16 Halls-of-Fame and nominated for several others. He is also a member of Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in America, and Who's Who in the World.
Through time, martial arts became a 'way of life'. Few other disciplines can bring out so many positive qualities in people. Karate training can build character in people and when complemented with spiritual training, can complete an individual. If martial arts were taught in schools in the US, most would see little need for drugs and alcohol.
Through the years, Soke Hausel was lucky enough to be the sensei (teacher) of a few thousand people. Those that trained directly under him are now very productive members in society and include professors, ministers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, architechs, geologists, botanists, biologists, linguists, archeologists, astrophysicists, law enforcement officers, soldiers, nurses, teachers, miners, musicians, artists, physcologists and others. The high percentage of members with higher education credentials is due being a kyoju no budo (Professor of martial arts) at four major universities for more than 35 years prior to opening the Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai (TM) hombu on the border of Gilbert and Mesa, Arizona.
Tim Smith, geophysicist gets a kick out of karate from geologist, Dan Hausel, shodan
at the University of Utah, about 1969.
Photo around 1969 at the University of Utah.
Dan Hausel, Shodan, uses yoko geri kokomi kick
against aggressor Mike Killian, shodan.
Possibly 1974 or 75, Dan Hausel
Nidan, breaks pile of bricks at University
of New Mexico.
1976 Demo in Albuquerque, NM. Dan Hausel attempts
yoko tobi geri against Eddie Begaye.
1976, Dan Hausel, sandan, breaks roofing tiles in Las Cruces & uses his head!
1976 Demo in Las Cruces.
On the rocks, Laramie, Wyoming, 1985?
Dan Hausel, shihan/godan, 1992
Dan Hausel receives promotion to Soke Shodai of Seiyo No Shorin-Ryu Karate Kobudo Kai
along with rank of Kudan, 1999.
Dan Hausel, 9th dan, teaches self-defense clinic to the University
of Wyoming ROTC in 2000 with the assistance of Jason Gies following
award as the 2000 JKI Soke of the Year Award.
Soke-Dai Sacharnoski with Soke Hausel, about 2000
Soke Dan, 10th dan, demonstrates White
Crane Shorin-Ryu at Chinese New Year, 2004.
Soke Hausel, 12th dan, Seiyo Shorin-Ryu, 2013
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